Better Converter

Html to Excel Converter

Insert here your Html or choose a File

File max size 10MB

This is a Tool based on HtmlPhpExcel library which simplifies converting html tables to excel files. It allows styling right within the html template with specific attributes.

There is support for specific html attributes to allow styling of the excel output. The attributes expect the content to be json_encoded.

Supports everything which is possible with PHPExcel's applyFromArray() method (also see here).
        <td _excel-styles='{"font":{"size":16,"color":{"rgb":"FF0000"}}}'>Foo</td>


Supports changing dimensions of rows (when applied to a <tr> or <td>) or column (when applied to a <td>),
    <tr _excel-dimensions='{"row":{"rowHeight":50}}'>
        <td _excel-dimensions='{"column":{"width":20}}'>Foo</td>


Supports applying an explicit cell value type.
        <td _excel-explicit='PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING'>0022</td>