Dot Notation Online Converter
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Dot Notation
Lets first look at Dot notation. Consider this example below:
let obj = { cat: 'meow', dog: 'woof' };let sound =;console.log(sound); // meow
I want to bring your attention to the fifth line where we’re using dot notation: let sound =;. This is an example of dot notation. You can access properties on an object by specifying the name of the object, followed by a dot (period) followed by the property name. This is the syntax: objectName.propertyName;.
When working with dot notation, property identifies can only be alphanumeric (and _ and $). Properties can’t start with a number.
Dot notation is much easier to read than bracket notation and is therefor used more often. However, there’s a second way to access properties on an object you should be aware of. It’s called bracket notation.